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The Characteristics of the Metal Element You Must Have for a Successful Wellness Business

Today on Her Wellness business Empire podcast I shared with you how one of the elements of the Chinese five elements, in particular that metal element will actually make a big difference in the...

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What are the Five Elements?

If you want complete healing you need to know this.

If you want to stop judging others and yourself, you must know this.

What do these two have to do with each other?  And what is...

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3 Simple Metal Element of Chinese Medicine Tips to Inspire Your Life, Business, & Health

In the cycle of the FIVE ELEMENTS of Chinese medicine... this Element has been a very surprising one for me to explore, and the more I explore about the Metal Element, the more I see how much my...

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Enough Already! How to Improve Your Self Worth with the Metal Element

First and foremost, I want to let you know, you are ALREADY ENOUGH!

You have everything you need, simply due the fact that you are you, and there is no other you like you

In a previous post,...

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