4-Simple Steps for Creating Your Impactful Online Course

Creating an online course can be a great way for holistic practitioners to share their knowledge and expertise with a wider audience. Last month, I shared many of the benefits of incorporating an online course into your business model this year. In this podcast, we'll cover the steps you need to take to create a successful online course for your holistic practice.

1. What should I create a course about?

The first step in creating an online course is to brainstorm ideas for what you want to teach. Think about what you're passionate about and what you have a lot of experience in as a holistic practitioner. You should also consider what topics your audience, or current clients/patients are often interested in learning about. What do people thank you for often, and what do you find telling your clients over and over again. You can do some market research to see what other courses are out there and how you can differentiate yours. Understanding your unique value advantage and point of view is going to be key to standing out!

Okay, let me recap this first step with the following 5 steps…

  1. Start by making a list of everything you are passionate about and knowledgeable in. What are your areas of expertise? What topics do you love to talk about and teach others about?
  2. Look at the problems or challenges your ideal audience is facing, and consider how you can help solve those problems through your course. What knowledge or skills do your students need to overcome their challenges?
  3. Do some research on other online courses in your field, and see what topics are being covered. Consider how you can add your own unique perspective or spin to the conversation.
  4. Consider what makes you and your teachings unique, and how you can use that to your advantage in creating a compelling course.
  5. Don't be afraid to get creative and think outside the box when brainstorming course ideas. Consider what you can offer that others aren't, and how you can stand out in a crowded market.

2. Next, You need to understand the desired outcome of your course & who your course is ideal for.

Once you have an idea for your course, it's important to understand the desired outcome of your course and who it is ideal for. This will help you create a course that is targeted and effective. 

Obviously, your ideal customer may determine the course content and outcome. Consider what your students will be able to do after they complete your course, and what they will need to know in order to achieve those goals.

As a holistic practitioner, you have a UNIQUE opportunity to use your passions, skills, and knowledge that you already have to make a positive impact on others, simply by creating an online course. 

BUT, first, it's important to have a CLEAR understanding of the DESIRED OUTCOME of your online course. This will help you create content that truly resonates with your audience and helps them achieve their goals.

So, before you start creating your online course, take some time to really understand who your ideal customer is. Ask these questions:

  1. What are their goals, desires, or dreams?
  2. What are their challenges they face as it relates to these goals? 
  3. How can your course help them overcome those challenges and achieve those goals?

This is foundational work that you can start now! In my latest podcast, I am sharing the exact steps you need to take to create your online course in a step by step streamlined way… 

3. Create an outline for your course

Now that you have an idea of what you want to teach and who your course is for, it's time to start creating an outline for your course. An outline will help you organize your content and ensure that you cover all the necessary information. 

I always like to think from the end. 

In the previous step, you created the desired outcome, right? Now start thinking about the steps you would take to get you to that desired outcome.  Start by breaking down your course into manageable or bite-sized chunks and then creating a list of topics you want to cover in each section.

I think about it like milestones (the steps) and mile markers, the micro steps that lead you to the milestones. 

Here are 5 simple steps to follow:

Step 1: Define your target audience and outcomes

Start by identifying the specific group of people who will be taking your course and what specific outcomes you want to achieve with the course. (take a look my posts from last week to learn more about this step)

Step 2: Conduct a needs analysis

Use surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gain insight into the needs and interests of your target audience.

This is a step that I teach my students in Leverage Your Holistic Business Academy how effectively to. It’s a step VERY often overlooked but the time you put in out of the gate will be very worthwhile in the long run.

Step 3: Create a detailed outline

Use the information from your needs analysis to create a detailed outline of the main topics and subtopics that you'll cover, as well as assessments, quizzes, and other activities you may want to include. Start with all the different aspects or ingredients, then create the recipe in the right order. 

HINT: Think from the end. 

Step 4: Build in flexibility

Make sure that your outline is flexible, allowing for changes and updates as needed. The art of non-attachment and checking your ego at the door is important here. 

Step 5: Test and refine

Before launching your course, test it with a small group of beta testers to get feedback and make any necessary changes. This will ensure that your course is engaging, effective, and easy to navigate… 

BONUS… you can get paid while you’re creating your course… more on this strategy later… It's brilliant!!!

4. Market, launch, and sell your course online

Once you have created your course, it's time to market and sell it online. 

There are a few different platforms you can use to sell your course, such as Udemy, Teachable, and Kajabi. My favorite is Kajabi, I use it for EVERYTHING. (Here is a free trial to give it a whirl) Choose a platform that meets your needs and budget and offers the features you need to deliver a high-quality course. Hey, you can simply have a FB group for free.

Finally, don't forget to promote your course. Use social media, email marketing, and other channels (free organic & paid) to get the word out and attract students.

Here are 5 Tips for marketing, launching and selling your first online course! Let’s go…

Tip 1: Know Your Target Audience. Understand who your ideal student is, their needs and pain points, and tailor your course content to meet those needs.

Tip 2: Create a Compelling Course Description. Use clear language that speaks to your ideal customer, in their language that expresses the TRUE benefits they will receive by enrolling in your course.

Tip 3: Build Your Online Presence. Utilize social media and other online platforms to promote your course and establish yourself as an authority in your field.

Tip 4: Get Testimonials from Past Clients. Positive testimonials from past clients can help build trust and credibility for potential students.

Tip 5: Launch with a bang. Create excitement by offering early bird specials, bonuses, or live Q&A sessions to those who enroll during your course launch.

Creating an online course can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for holistic practitioners. I hope these steps help you get started on creating an online course for your holistic practice. With some planning and effort, you can create a successful and impactful course that helps others learn and grow.

As promised, here are the links I told you I would share with you:

  1. To help you get your course created, I created a FREE Training, just for YOU... You can access the training >> RIGHT HERE << see you on the inside!
  2. To help you trial Kajabi for FREE: >> CLICK ON THIS LINK << today.. enjoy

